It's Saturday. A list of chores ahead, here and there, then a Project Hood fundraiser at the University of Chicago tonight.
I was wondering how many people actually say something about their real state of mind or current activities when they update their "status" on their social media site of choice. It seems to be a minority. It's true for me, that most of my status updates are just things that are on my mind, or that have caught a fleeting slice of my attention for a moment or two. Sometimes, I'll try to say something pithy or motivational. Here's a hint: When I do that, it's even odds that I'm trying to motivate myself in some way.
In the the least scientific survey ever, I skimmed my Facebook news feed to see how my friends are doing. Like most days, our lives are filled with ups and downs. On average, it's an average day.
Here's what some of you had to say. You might recognize your own update but for your protection, I'm pretty sure that I've omitted any personally identifiable information. Thanks for sharing!
Feeling very manly today doing some home repairs. I will not tell you what it is because I do not want you to know how minor a big project is around this house.
Graduation, birthday, and Grandwood Park parties today...whew, hope I can take all the fun! But first, 6 miles on the river trail...
Another bad night. No restful sleep. Exhausted and excruciating headache this morning.
Wonderrful day yesterday. Nice hike with the family (including seeing a toad up close), drive along Lake Superior, lunch at The Hut, naps, dinner at the beach (including a thunderstorm) and watching a small spider build a web. Awesome!
Bastille Day! It is also my father's birthday. So many feelings! About revolution, oppression, those who betray the revolution... about my Dad, getting up before dawn to go fishing with him in the Rogue River, Oregon, and his great intelligence and rational discussion, his sexism and paternalistic ways, of his integrity and compassion... So many thoughts and feelings for one small day.
so... fate has it that our plans of binge drinking at 'la bastille', followed by authentic chinese food and visiting sleazy whore bars in the red light area have to be postponed. i myself have headache, clogged sinuses and a slight fever.
Nice, stiff black coffee and the Internet. Pure bliss.
More fantastic news. Joshua's friend Darota has come off the ventilator!
Stiff, sore and unbelievably achy all over this am, but I will go out for another walk. The Walk Boss decrees it must happen...
Morning, nothing quite like a late(ish) lie in, then it will be off to the Zoo with some friends.
On average, it seems like an average day. But, when it's your life, averages don't matter much. When you're down, you're down, and you hope somebody will come along and pick you up. When you're up, you're up. You're happy. Be grateful but observant. If you see somebody who's down, offer what you can, extend a hand, be willing to help them up.
Have a better than average day!
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